Dacorum Steam Rally

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All these pictures taken with my Fuji snapper Finepix E900

Dacorum Steam Rally

Transport from the car park to the rally for the unfit

Old Vauxhall

A selection of steam whistles

Camper van

Traction engines

There was a lot of smelly exhausts about and smaller and still smaller engines.   The ground was very dusty and when we got home the bottom 30cms of our trousers were coated inside and out!!

Steam car

The Fire Brigade showed a practice drill to open up a car involved in an accident in order to remove an injured passenger

Elegant limo

Probably not so good in the wet

The driver was dressed to match and there was a turquoise glove on the steering wheel

This is the equipment stored in the lockers on the side of the Fire Engine
Tower Bridge

The Clydesdales were all 18 hands plus and they worked in the logging industry



Bay with Amish tack

Traditional decorated harness