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Iris 'Skyline' x 'Tuesday Song' - You can see the blood of the oncocyclus in this hybrid. |
Iris atrofusca - one of the most iridescent of the irises, the colour is a blend of ginger and purple and the cushion is almost black |
Iris Gatesii - The king of the oncocyclus irises. It has the largest flower of the genus and comes from the middle east. |
Iris regelio-cyclus 'Thor' - a hybrid between the regelios and the oncocyclus; a bit easier to grow than the pure breeds. |
Detail Iris Gatesii - The markings are like engravings on the most intricate banknote. The cushion beard like velvet. |
Iris chrysographes - an almost black species with gold markings on the falls; flowers only last for about a day in hot weather. |
Juno irises with foliage like a leek flank I. chrysographes. Iris aucheri one of the comparatively easy to grow species, but not easy to keep going. |
Iris acutiloba is a small onocyclus species. |
More Irises taken in their habitat can be found on These include the oncocyclus irises: Iris barnumae, Iris iberica, Iris Gatesii, Iris paradoxa, Iris urmiensis and Iris sari in many forms. It was particularly exciting to see Iris Gatesii in its natural surroundings. We also saw the juno iris - Iris caucasica. |