Sara McMurry

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Sara McMurry, who we met on the Crete in Autumn holiday had a fantastic time in Rajasthan working  for 8 weeks as a volunteer.   Pictures at  http://home.vingilot.org/~smcmurry/volunteering10/ .


Brian came out afterwards and they had a 10 day tour

Pictures at http://home.vingilot.org/~smcmurry/Timeless_India2010/.  The tour started in the holy city of Varanasi and finished in Gwalior where there is a huge fort overlooking the city and we stayed in a hotel which had been the Maharajah's guest palace!  

From Sara:  I have just heard that the camp in Shiv where I was has been washed out by heavy rain - after 3 years of drought!  So I will be going to another camp they have in Rajasthan instead next January.  I'm very sorry I won't see the people and children I met there.  The other camp is not in the desert - it is 100 km SE of Jaipur.