Serves 4
to 6

2 Onions
1 Head of celery
50g (2 oz) butter
1.2 litres (2 Pints) stock (or water & 2 Chicken
Stock cubes)
½ teaspoon of grated Nutmeg
Salt & Pepper
125p (4 oz) blue cheese chopped
Process onions in food mixer using metal chopping
blade. Reserve a few celery leaves for garnish, then process the celery.
Melt the butter in a large pan, add the onion and
celery and fry gently until softened. Add 300 ml (1/2 pint) of the water
and simmer for 1 hour.
Process until smooth, then return to the pan and stir
in the remaining stock, or water and stock cubes.
Add the nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste.
Bring to simmering point and stir in the cheese.
Serves 8

8 Large red peppers, halved
Olive Oil
2 onions, finely chopped ( or “processed”)
Hot sauce (Tabasco or West Indian) to taste
2 litres (1¾ pints) chicken stock
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
juice of 1 small lemon
Put the peppers cut side down into a roasting tin and
drizzle olive oil over them. Put into an oven preheated to 190ºC/375ºF/gas
mark 5 and roast for 50 minutes, or until the peppers are completely soft
and slightly scorched.
Hest 3 tbsp olive oil in a saucepan and add the
onion. Sweat, over a low heat, until soft but not coloured.
When the peppers are cooked, cut out the stem from
each of them, taking the seeds with it. Chop the pepper flesh. Add the
pepper flesh and juices, hot sauce (if using) and stock to the onions and
Simmer for 5 minutes or so, then leave to cool.
Blend soup and add the vinegar and lemon juice.
Taste for seasoning.
May be served chilled.