Favourite Plants

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Hertfordshire Group

Favourite Plants

Petunia patagonica

Plants brought in for the show table by Ian Sharpe

Calanthe brevicornu

Calanthe Kozu hybrid

Calanthe sieboldii

Plants grown by Peter Abbiss on display at the February Meeting

Geranium cinerium variety

Geranium sp.

Rhodohypoxis baueri and Hypoxis

Glaucium corniculatum

Phlox adsurgens' Wagon Wheels' detail

Phlox adsurgens' Wagon Wheels'

Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'


Dianthus hybrid

Allium moly

Pictures by Peter Cullens

Tulipa Sprengeri taken in his garden by Richard Massey

Richard Massey's Alstromeria in his alpine house

Jeffersonia Dubia in David Barker's garden in Essex

Iris chrysographes - a near black species with gold markings on the falls;  it flowers for about a day and there are only two flowers per stem so you have to be an enthusiast!!

Iris Pacific Coast Hybrid grown from Ghio's seed

Arisaema candidissimum

Helleborus Thibetanus was an almost unknown species until Mikinori Ogisu found it from clues in Pere David's diaries.   He found it in Moupin in Sichuan province;  120 years after Pere David's first found it.   The bell shaped flowers are two to two and a half inches across.   The petals start white and fade to pink with dark veins and finally to green.  They flower in March in damp rocky clearings.   Seed arrived in Britain in 1991 and this plant was on Ashwoods  Nurseries' display in January 2000 at the RHS Horticultural Halls.

Pictures by Peter Abbiss

 from his garden and alpine house

Galanthus Reginae Olgae

Crocus Mathewii

Crocus Mathewii

Crocus pulchellus

Cyclamen Hederifolium Rosenteppich

Crocus banaticus

Gentian Sino ornata Kirimure Seedling

Nerine Sarniensis (The Guernsey Lily) - an autumn flowering half hardy bulb.

Cyclamen cyprium


Tulbaghia Violacea  - another bulbous plant related to the onions;  long flowering and hardy in favourable conditions.  

Galanthus nivalis subsp. reginae olgae

Pictures by Bernard Gane  taken in his alpine house

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Saxifraga Fortunei 'Cherry Pie'

The plant is small, the flowers are bright pink and abundant. The leaves are about 2 inches across and the flowers are ¾ inch in diameter and 3 inches high. It is growing in a sheltered trough facing north west.   It is available from Little Heath Farm Nursery.  

I received an added bonus with this plant, a tiny annual geranium which flowers and seeds very early before the saxifrage. It has bright red stems and leaves that turn red. As it comes up well before the saxifrage,  I was initially very confused as to what I had bought!

Peter Cullens

Long Acre Plants:  www.longacreplants.co.uk
Cotswold Garden Flowers:  www.cgf.net
Edrom Nurseries:  www.edromnurseries.co.uk
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Nomocharis pardanthina

Although this plant is normally about a metre high, it is a true alpine, coming as it does from the alpine meadows of Yunnan.   The flowers, 8 cm. across, are pale pink with purple spotting and are semi-pendant.   It is a plant that will supposedly only grow in Scotland, but it is growable in the South in shade with regular misting.   It is a plant with real star quality.   Bulbs are occasionally offered by specialist bulb firms, but it can with patience be grown from seed.


Pulsatilla alpina sulphurea

In the wild this plant with its ferny foliage and clear yellow flowers covers vast areas of the Alps.   However in cultivation it proves far more difficult to grow, needing a rich growing medium with good drainage.

Richard Massey

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Codonopsis Convolvulacea

In spring this plant sends up a threadlike climbing stem from a large underground tuber.   Open large blue flowers with a reddish inner ring appear in July.   It is easy to grow from seed obtainable from the AGS Seed Exchange.   The plant in the background  in the picture on the right is Oxalis chrysantha, which is hardy most years on a raised bed with the added protection of a wall.

Richard Massey

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Adonis amurensis

Fritillaria michailovskyi

Helleborus hybrid

Chatham Island Forget-me-not