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22nd  May

Left Matt in charge of the cats.   Travelled to Stanstead by taxi had a sandwich lunch and flew by Ryanair to Zaragosa.   Phil drove to our B&B in Berdun in a noisy, but capacious minivan.   Warm welcome and a good evening meal -  salad with Spanish onion, cheese and bacon followed by beef stew and baked potato.   Interesting light flowery white wine and a Rioja.   The usual troubled sleep in a new bed...


 23rd May We went out early on the first morning to look around Casa Sarasa and part of Berdun

Casa Sarasa

After a bit one gets to ignore the wires

Field poppies

Not so tidy

Town on the hill


Hippeastrums growing outside a house

The Church

After breakfast we walked to the 'Badlands'.   Saw a variety of raptors and heard warblers.   A red backed shrike was seen, but not by me.   Lots of good plants, some butterflies, Southern speckled wood, Wall brown and Spanish Fritillary.

Cynoglossum creticum

Muscari comosum

Griffon vulture and Booted eagle below, the quality is so rough I gave up taking birds...

Silybum marianum

Lathyrus cicera

Helianthemum apenninum

Thymus vulgaris



The Badlands

Circling vultures

Ophrys sphegodes - early spider orchid

Reseda lutea

Ophrys apifera - bee orchid

Cynoglossum creticum

Poppy - Papaver rhoeas

Sainfoin used as a fodder crop

Elephant legs

Linum narbonense

Orchis purpurea - Lady orchid pale variant

Ophrys scolopax - woodcock orchid

Ophrys insectifera - fly orchid

Ophrys sphegodes - early spider orchid

Helianthemum apenninum

Euphorbia serrata and Santolina chamaecyparissus

Beautiful flax

Interesting roots

Wall Brown

Polygala vulgaris

Helleborus viridis

Cytisophyllum sessilifolium


Berberis and Helleborus viridis at the back

Echium vulgare


Allium moly


Plantathera bifolia - Lesser Butterfly Orchid

Orchis militaris

Tetragonolobos maritimus - Dragon's teeth

Female blue

Antirrhinum majus


Spanish fritillary

Abandoned house

Aphyllanthes monspeliensis



Wasps' nest


Beautiful flax again

Poppies, poppies everywhere

Came back to the casa for lunch then another local walk near the Rio Aragon.

Tetragonolobus maritimus


Wild rose

Praying mantis eating a blue butterfly

What a lovely little chap!

and again

Acinos alpina

Dipcadi serotinum - brown bluebell - a more appropriate name for the one below

Arenaria agregata

Linum suffruticosum subsp. salsaloides

Iberian water frog

Longhorn beetle

Aphyllanthes monspeliensis


There is another praying mantis in this shot

Ophrys sphegodes

Green tiger beetle

Rio Aragon

Panoramic views

Orchis champagneuxii - morio group

Yellow rattle

Carduncellus mitissimus

Ophrys tenthredinifera - Sawfly Orchid

Rio Aragon

Long view of Berdun

Plant lists and dinner which was carrot and coriander soup, half a chicken and large beans.

 I was delighted that they served de-caf. coffee.


Berdun Home 22nd & 23rd 24th May 25th May 26th May 27th May 28th May 29th May