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crete again 6
Logger trace above gps below
Another cold night made better by bed-socks. We
drove to Spili where we had excellent coffee / yoghurt and fruit and bought
supplies from the Supermarket. Drove to Phaistos where we inspected
the ruins then botanised on a nearby hill.
Carpobrotus acinaciformis
This enlarges
Convolvulus elegantissimus
Gagea graeca
Anacamptis pyramidalis
Trifolium stellatum
Thymelaea hirsuta
Cotton lavender
Echium angustifolium
Trifolium stellatum
Swallowtail Butterfly
Bee Hives through the coach window
Gladiolus italicus
Ebenus cretica
Ophrys cretica
Muscari comosum
Anchusa italica
Mandrake fruit
Anthyllis tetraphylla
This is Crete
Orchis laxiflora
Tetragonolobus purpureus
Orchis laxiflora
stopped at a couple of rewarding sites on the way home. We crossed
the gorge by viaduct – a tight fit as were most of the minor roads through the
villages. We saw horned poppies on the outward journey blue lupins
and a hoopoe on the way home. Yanni’s driving magnificent as usual.
Had chicken (P) and Briam (H) for dinner with a side salad. Came
home and lit the wood burning stove, suddenly very much warmer. I washed my hair.